forever nowhere
Winter's cityside
Crystal bits of snowflakes all around my head and in the wind
I had no illusions
That I'd ever find a glimp of summer's heatwaves in your eyes

You did what you did to me, now it's history I see
Here's my comeback on the road again
Things will happen while they can
I will wait here for my man tonight, it's easy when you're big in Japan

When you're big in Japan, tonight
Big in Japan, big in Japan, big in Japan where the eastern sea's so blue
Big in Japan, alright, pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Things are easy when you're big in Japan, when you're big in Japan

Neon on my naked skin
Passing silhouettes of strange illuminated mannequins
Shall I stay here at the zoo
Or shall I go and change my point of view for other ugly scenes

You did what you did to me, now it's history I see...
Things will happen while they can
I will wait here for my man tonight, It's easy when you're big in Japan

When you're big in Japan, tonight
Big in Japan, big in Japan, big in Japan where the eastern sea's so blue
Big in Japan, alright, pay, then I'll sleep by your side
Things are easy when you're big in Japan, when you're big in Japan
(с) Guano Apes. Big in Japan.

а ощущение от песни абсолютно безумное. ночная траса, рычание байков, ветер в лицо, и ночь, ночь, ночь. и скорость.

или огромный, безумный город, со свом бешенным пульсом. и холодным светом.

08.09.2008 в 02:09

ээээ... где ты взял этот текст? в классическом варианте все тех же Guano Apes припев звучит несколько по другому...

Я эту песню наизусть знаю

Aah when you're big in Japan-tonight...
Big in Japan-be-tight...
Big in Japan... ooh the eastern sea's so blue
Big in Japan-alright,
Pay! -- Then I'll sleep by your side
Things are easy when you're big in Japan
Oh when you're big in Japan

и в 6 строчке вроде все же не story, a history
08.09.2008 в 02:30

forever nowhere
Хм, действительно. Одни сайты дают один вариант припева, вторые - другой. Первые пять сайтов из поисковика дали мой вариант, остальные - твой.
08.09.2008 в 10:36

Да, но в песне-то звучат слова, которые есть в том варианте припева, который я привела )))

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